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Video Messages

Archive of all Video Messages

Children Singing in Kyawk Taing 01

During Leon and Gloria’s visit to Myanmar for Pentecost 2014, they were treated almost daily with musical performances from the local church children. They wished to share some with all of you.

Motorcycle Ride in Taungoo

Gloria Sexton shares her view from one of her motorcycle rides through the countryside in Taungoo, Myanmar during her and Leon’s visit for Pentecost.

‘How to Control Our Anger’ and ‘Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets’

1. How to Control Our Anger – a message from Legacy trainee Seng Aung.
2. Special music by Jo Htoo and Naw Mya.
3. Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets – a message from Leon Sexton.
Includes translation (for Myanmar/Burmese speaking brethren around the world).

Why is the Feast of Tabernacles Called a ‘Harvest’ Feast?

Why the Feast of Tabernacles is also called a ‘Harvest’ Feast. Includes translation (for Myanmar/Burmese speaking brethren around the world).

The Meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles

Why Should a Christian keep “Old Testament” Feast Days called the Feast of Tabernacles? What meaning does it have for the New Covenant Christian? Includes translation (for Myanmar/Burmese speaking brethren around the world).